Saturday, March 5, 2011

M Jak Milosc Odcinek 794 Online

Kreppeltest in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

I can not hide from you that you must have read:

The FAZ has Kreppel of respected Frankfurter bakeries (and one from grandma's kitchen) tested and the result in the issuance of 5 March 2011, No. 54, page 45 published. A Kreppel or Kräppl is fried in deep fat Hefebällchen, which is elsewhere referred to as donuts or donuts, see also: .

Well yes it
has certainly noticed everyone that the qualities be quite different. The assessment, which ranked here in the newspaper of 1 (for home baked by Grandma) to 6 are, of course, personal taste. The one who loves fluffy dough and a little sweetness in the jam, the other perhaps just the opposite.

But absolutely delightful is the language, almost a bit of cabaret.

laughed heartily as I did in these terms:

"of used oils:
... The filling tastes cheap, overly sweet and overly artificial. A chemical analysis would probably: a carbon chain longer and it would not jam, but a plastic bucket made. ... "

" The dreamer:
... the airy white mass that yields to the pressure, the energy of the jaw knautschzonenartig * absorbed. ... The dough ... clings to the palate, is under the shower gel-like apricot filling is indivisible. ... "
= * in English like a collapsible crush zone

" The Greasy:
... Probably no other shortening Go to as many Kreppel and see how this - and you would not be surprised and even a few French fries were actually there "

" The Normalo.
... The red jam imitation - or is it already Analog jam ? - Reminiscent of gummy bears and red-fruit jelly powder smells and an oriental harem perfume ... "
I'm really a bit of compassion for the bakeries, which were rated poor because I know how difficult it is to bake good Kreppel. In the end I am grateful every baker for his product that allows me a quick cup of coffee without the fumes in the house.

But amused me the wording very much, and I had two times Kreppel-indulgence, even when reading and once by eating a delicious Kreppel with sugar confetti, which is not, however, in Frankfurt was baked.

Who wants to read it exactly rush, should be to still get a copy of the newspaper. wishes

beautiful carnival


Friday, March 4, 2011

Boss Metal Core Schematic Ml 2

Surprise - Surprise!

So a nice surprise!

I'm on an email and read that Kathy from USA recommends my blog readers.

Kathy @ A Delight Some
Life is beautiful on her blog regularly six other blogs before, they would like to share with their readers. And as I write, I am again here.

can follow this link
you find the post and of course the other 5 enchanting blogs ich bin sicher, Ihr könnt dort auch einiges entdecken.

Danke Kathy! Das ist so lieb von dir.  

Such a nice surprise!

I open an email and read that Kathy from USA recommend my blog to her readers.

Kathy @A Delightsome Life has a wonderful blog, she chooses every week six blogs that she had visited and want to share with her readers.

You will find here

her wonderful blog and so of course the other five charming blogs, Which she shares. I am sure lot there you can discover there a.

Thank you Kathy, you are so nice.


When Is The Chevy Tahoe Going To Have Body Change

Sample sewing ....

... I was allowed a skirt section of sara! The special feature of the cut is high waistband yoke (which is chic and very comfortable:)) and the pleat! I opted for a dark denim, which has a small Strechtsanteil, and combines I saw him with a red flower fabric:

The buttons I'm selfish:
and pimped my purchased top with a shredded handkerchief;)
I wish you a nice weekend!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sueing Ashford University

What comes after February?

The March with colorful spring flowers and mild temperatures ... and, finally, here the sun is shining, the little digs in the garden in front of him and in me stirs the joy soon be able to stroll in this summer dress through the province:
The material in petroleum is substance and style:)) and the patterned fabric I am doing the belt! The average available as a free download (including annoying craft fun:) HERE

I did the last weeks before very kuzweilig, and I feel inspired by the sustainable-Made-Me Action! So many interesting women know-even if only virtually, in their own outfits created (regardless of whether they corresponded to my taste or not) I was great! Great appreciation for each other has continued throughout the whole action!
The variety and the craftsmanship of every detail I was very impressed and it is sooo schööön feedback on their own work to get!
Personally for me is much more developed: 2 new skirts, a dress, a pair of pants and my head is full of new ideas and plans!
Catherine has to organize the idea of a Made-Me-day a week ...- I'm happy with it!