Sunday, December 12, 2010

Female Tattooist Benefits

New BLOG at:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Should I Exercise During Herpes Outbreak

--- here are some pics from last Jugo ---

Friday, November 26, 2010

Gay Spot In Bangalore

Cordial Invitation to the next Jugo with the theme: "It's still my life" on 11/28/2010 in by 17 clock in the Protestant Church Dußlingen

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

17 Dpo Globs Of Cervical Mucus

pictures from last Jugo ...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bets Camcorder Under 400

Cordial Invitation to the next Yugoslavia:

Monday, July 26, 2010

Can Someone With Hiv Get Sick Really Quickly

........ from the Somerloch ...........

hello to all, tomorrow morning we will

a Bode order to make .......... if you like what Listen, give up tomorrow morning 9.00am decision.

There is also the consideration ..... mid-September to make an "open day" and a VorratskammerSommerFestchen more on Thursday for the kitchens.

SUMMER BREAK ........ as most probably be on the way out of the house the first two weeks of August
La Libertad in Gersdorf
anti-nuclear camp in Wendland

.......... the pantry and Vokü in the house make good summer break, if someone does not find the which takes over.
IF you feel like it to boil then ......... me know. Whether someone can take the house in order we will bring to farmers Thursday in experience.

Final we will inform you on Friday to do so.

nice Greetings

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Closed Purge Dip Tank

Lots going on at the weekend

hello to all,

as already mentioned several times held on 06.20.2010 the Neustaedter breakfast instead
from 10.30am invite a number of initiatives for breakfast one around the Neustaedter market.

The pantry has a table.

Maybe you have to bake cakes so desire to make spreads or so .....!

can then We cozy brunch with interested guests and chat.


events for the 19.06.

flea market in the courtyard of Eisenbahnstr. 109 See: / 2010/05/20/flohmarkt-2 see /
opening of the art festival on the market and in Neustaedter PögeHaus: / ~ Studart / sites / Art Festival /
street festival in the GerogSchwarzStr. Lindenau in the HinZundKunZ
blockade and action training for the Castor transport .... take 11.ooUhr in Starlight (dresdnerstr.)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Free Online Swingset Blueprints

here the pictures from 06.06.

I Want To Hack Security Cameras

Moore's Wedding Tuxedos How Far Ahead To Book

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Matlab 2006 B Unter Windows 7

Jugo Jugo 28/02/10 at 06:06:10

Monday, May 24, 2010

Where To Buy Mace Spray In Columbus Ohio

VkInfo - DATES and support needs

hello to everyone here

get a clear view of current events:

Friday, 05/28/2010 - 14:00 hs Excursion: Herb Walk
gather herbs with the Student Council of the University of Leipzig and the Association for the strengthening of a good thing eV in the floodplain and then picnic
Meeting point: main entrance racecourse

Saturday, 29.5.
, a small garden party with flea market, bake sale and an evening screening. Let's go from 16 clock in the Augustenstr. 12 in the garden.

Thursday: 03/06/2010 19.3o Clock storage chamber plenum

(brought forward because of 05./06.06 project network meeting place in the cart "dead arm".)

05.06. Flea market on the Eisenbahnstr. (Height Aldi)

08.06. General Meeting of the Association for the strengthening of a good thing eV
i n the Eisenbahnstr. 109 17.30h
little street music festival on the rail road

make this year a bit more is going to mobilize with us on road music day on the Eisenbahnstr.!
by Come, bring instruments and people with ... let's go have lunch. SHARE ... after show, there will be

12/06/2010 Hoffest the organic farm-Müller "hundreds of acres of land in Röcknitz at Eilenburg
we want to leave by train and bike as noon in Leipzig - details on the arrangements to 03.06.

06/13/2010 eco-party in ClaraPark
not clear whether what we are doing there. I wonder at times if we could smuggle us there in - anyone would be interested to take care of more extensively?

06/19/2010 PROBABLY
flea market for collection of DoppelPlusGut in the shop in the Eisenbahnstr. 109

06/20/2010 Neustaedter Breakfast 10.3o-16.ooUhr

there are many initiatives together and people from the neighborhood, we had there in recent years a stand and it would be great at least with the food coop and this year to present again - helping hands are needed! closer to the plenary

another request:
The trouble spot is said to be join a project for ... who would also from time to cook with, in the Eisenbahnstr. but particularly in the "field"? Questions abound. Please give some feedback!

Greetings from the


Saturday, May 15, 2010

7st-dh-005 Where Can I Find A Driver

iNfoVk: BREAD ordering

hello to all,

now can be ordered each week fresh bread, rolls and pastries at the organic bakery Bachmann .

Anina takes care of the order. We should reach a minimum order value of 20 € (better 25 €), so that the delivery is worth it. Please send a mail to Tuesday noon . Also elects a clear subject (eg bread order + name + date)! Listed in the Annex. Can you give notice, if you will regularly have them. The bread can then Thursday with the stuff to be picked up from the farmers.

Here are a few brief for the Mitgleiderversammlung Biokiste , will be discussed again at the next meeting:

  • the biokiste would be happy if we would pay a higher deposit than 50 €.

  • month we would have the membership fee as for shared flats provided pay (about 20 €)

  • Shops services or special classes to take, we must not, however, help if it is possible for us or necessary, either upon collection, make wood, cooking activities, etc.
  • Vk formulated a proposal on how we are a membership could imagine, and sends it to the financial group of Biokiste

We will probably soon move to a new blog and a new mail account. Until then continue to get their latest information by email and minor news on the BLOG

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cute Anniversity Txt For Bf

13.o5. Thurs ton of fire / VoküOutside

Hello everyone,

on Thursday May 13 2o.ooUhr not we go to heaven but throw on the fire barrel, so far Weather permitting.

the trouble spot ... nice food cooked by donation ...
BUT can if you've even bring something like (!!!).
... meatless barbecue is also up for debate ... (drinks are at the start)

... Cultural program results may still get together ... otherwise is being considered.


# # #
greetings from Eise109

PS Friday there is possibly a little trip into the countryside, closer to agreements on thursday

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Untucked Button Shirt With Jacket

notice for Communication at the trouble spot by Thurs 29.04.

is on the menu:
spelled, with garlic-tomato salad and Bohenen + Dressing

also TranspiMalen and motivation for the 1st of May.
Ostarm of the emancipatory star demo still needs support and creative activities.
common breakfast from 10.30am on the open space Eisenbahnstr. 103/105...bringt with what.

Does Having Avirus Raise The Blood Pressure

Vk-Info 4.10

PRELIMINARY: 1 May comes to the emancipatory Ostarm Star Demo "Reclaim your Life ..." http://lebenaberwie.blogsport. eu from 10.30am breakfast together on the open space Eisenbahnstr. 103/105

hello to all, so now

it is time again for a round-mail on the subject.

Currently, the shelves in the pantry are yawning empty!
( ) The food coop Biokiste just run some restructuring, which led us to care not even for extra pressure, and push our orders.

another reason why it is important to be together again to put together and to talk about how we organize our future access to another wholesaler in addition to Bode. For Bode, we will order on Sunday, so share your wishes, no later than May 2.

On May 2, is therefore fully meeting 16.ooUhr find instead :-). We're got a little out the rhythm! (Was being considered a monthly. Plenum)
AB 12.ooUhr to find already taken an inventory. Visitors can also help so happy to have lunch come by.

We have finally for the first time ordered directly from the bakery Bachmann bread. This may in the future, if desired, also happen regularly. It would just put someone's hat for that.

On June 12, is the organic farm Hoffest Müller ... there we will probably go together by train and bike! Please give ever know if you want to come along? and carries you to the list in the UK.

well. every Thurs and so on. 20.ooUhr delicious food by donation, in fine weather on the farm

What can we use the house remains for the activities:
-5l undersink water heater
-old bikes and bike parts
-LARGE pots and lockable boxes

Greetings from Eisenbahnstr. 109


PS Monday is !..... herbal Monday after breakfast at the 9.ooUhr Eisenbahnstr.109 we go

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Where To Buy Bamboo Poles In New York City

VkInfo - April


here again a round-mail with the latest information.

has stood for some time now so the idea in the room once the organic farmer who supplies us to visit. Currently, this is now common to the courtyard party planned at the 12th. If we are already around noon, we get ne ExTra leadership.
So we might go together with train and bike!

We currently have more 1xMooncup size B and A 3xGröße .... if necessary, we would also order new again ???!!!!!

list of things that we can still use: 5l-undersink water heater, refrigerator (mindest. A-class), Gemüse-/NussMühlen

also .... sometimes comes all over again! Let you look again and to give your two cents.
way. Parallel to the trouble spot, it will now go from 21.ooUhr still in the office about its content yet to come a bit further discussions on topics of your choice movies ...

Attached you will still information on a recent experiment of the Central Theatre. The activist Hanna Poddig lives just for a few days in the White House and invites to events and discussion.

Legal Soliparty 20.ooUhr from the E35 (Wittenbergerstr. 62) ... will certainly be very nice with a fire show, Songwriting, Music Post and drum'n'bass ... organized from the realm of the storage chamber

Bike DEMO auto show to start: 15.ooUhr Augustusplatz (flyer see Appendix)

1.MAI _ HolDirDeinLebenZurücK demo. we are the "Ostarm" with it and still need support and creative ideas! notify you if you are inclined!

Hope to see you there.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

What Is Considered Uneven Eyebrows

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Run Matlab 2006 B Unter Windows 7

shop + + Mooncup GenTechWeg

Hello everyone,

in March we can rent from us in the house below the loading area of the "old" Germany Cable Stores.
for 100 € We will leave the shop area and bathroom and kitchen can be used with.
What should happen there exactly is open and may also change. We'd guess the most favorable offer, but still people looking to get with a. Both ideas and drive, but / or even a bit of money is needed to harness the resource.

When we get 20 people, each / r 5 € per month cut into the pot and we can finance the store!
Who is involved??

we will make a new Mooncup_bestellung. The Mooncup is an alternative to tampons and is also used successfully in the house :-) five or more pieces we get a discount. One costs about 24 € and lasts forever!
There are two different sizes (Model A for women who have given birth, for women over 30 years, model B for women who have not given or have given birth by Caesarean section, for women under 30 years) also suitable as a gift.

order is placed on Monday. If you still have interest? Can you also like to get rid of questions here or mail to the kitchens to the UK and we continue to lead the then.

AU? Derde man can now have a very interesting call on genetic engineering in (see GM-bottom dry out, call 2010) under review. Someone told us it would be great if had some come to it.

next plenary date is 03/07/2010 16.30 here on the 3rd floor Send themes, you just want to discuss the ever send an email to the UK.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Torturing Female Electric

Cordial Invitation to the next JUGO

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Boch Diswasher Trouble Shutting

... a couple of upcoming appointments

Tuesday, 01.26. 20.00 in the rooms of the Stura Leipzig meet for a new Climate (Action) group in Leipzig.

the "hot spot" at 28.01.
be at eight, the two street workers from the Eisenbahnstr. come from the mobile using drugs.
We have invited to learn more about their work and the conditions here to learn in the quarter. They will stay about an hour, so we recommend arriving on time. (To warm up content/aktionsbuendnis- safety / ) Otherwise, nice food as always.

31/01/2010 20.ooUhr film "The Truth Lies in Rostock" + yummy food by donation

In August 1992 a mob attacked from Anwohner_innen and Nazis for four days, the "central reception center for asylum seekers" (interest income tax) in Rostock light district of Hagen. Applauding German fans and turned the brutal pogrom a racist festival, where they largely undisturbed by the police, the delusion of a "German could be realized only for German. " It is almost a miracle that nobody was killed in the riots to death.

NeXT plenary on 07.02.2010 at 16.30 in the UK

Themen_: visit suppliers; Urban Agriculture / Guerilla Gardening, actions

further announcements?!?

also takes on 11-14.02 . the preparatory meetings for the next Jukss (Youth Environmental Conference) instead. With interest comes along, maybe he will indeed take place next year in Leipzig.

If you feel like yourself have an event, theme night, workshop or discussion board to organize, then kicks off. Facilities are there ... everything else needs to be organized only!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Released From Customsems

can we still use the!

Hello everyone, We

times have compiled a list of things that we could use here in the house for our other activities. Maybe you have
yes some of the things left or know where to pick it up. We only take things that really no longer needed. So, please give us nothing / Now and then something new. Much of what is thrown on the tip, could still use other people and projects. Let me know before you throw away, in itself, well doing! Cable, bicycle, lamp shades ... Bring it all!

Small Project Workshop:
desks or other tables for computer workstation
-not very old PCs may Monitors
mattresses and bed bases

device GemWhg (pantry / hotspot)

-functioning Speakers
-room table / dining table for Gem.Whg.
-5l undersink Biol (for hot water in the kitchen on the 3rd floor)

Koch collective hotspot:
-uncoated pans
-5-20l water cans
-large plastic tubs
-ever large cooking

