Saturday, May 15, 2010

7st-dh-005 Where Can I Find A Driver

iNfoVk: BREAD ordering

hello to all,

now can be ordered each week fresh bread, rolls and pastries at the organic bakery Bachmann .

Anina takes care of the order. We should reach a minimum order value of 20 € (better 25 €), so that the delivery is worth it. Please send a mail to Tuesday noon . Also elects a clear subject (eg bread order + name + date)! Listed in the Annex. Can you give notice, if you will regularly have them. The bread can then Thursday with the stuff to be picked up from the farmers.

Here are a few brief for the Mitgleiderversammlung Biokiste , will be discussed again at the next meeting:

  • the biokiste would be happy if we would pay a higher deposit than 50 €.

  • month we would have the membership fee as for shared flats provided pay (about 20 €)

  • Shops services or special classes to take, we must not, however, help if it is possible for us or necessary, either upon collection, make wood, cooking activities, etc.
  • Vk formulated a proposal on how we are a membership could imagine, and sends it to the financial group of Biokiste

We will probably soon move to a new blog and a new mail account. Until then continue to get their latest information by email and minor news on the BLOG


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