Monday, May 24, 2010

Where To Buy Mace Spray In Columbus Ohio

VkInfo - DATES and support needs

hello to everyone here

get a clear view of current events:

Friday, 05/28/2010 - 14:00 hs Excursion: Herb Walk
gather herbs with the Student Council of the University of Leipzig and the Association for the strengthening of a good thing eV in the floodplain and then picnic
Meeting point: main entrance racecourse

Saturday, 29.5.
, a small garden party with flea market, bake sale and an evening screening. Let's go from 16 clock in the Augustenstr. 12 in the garden.

Thursday: 03/06/2010 19.3o Clock storage chamber plenum

(brought forward because of 05./06.06 project network meeting place in the cart "dead arm".)

05.06. Flea market on the Eisenbahnstr. (Height Aldi)

08.06. General Meeting of the Association for the strengthening of a good thing eV
i n the Eisenbahnstr. 109 17.30h
little street music festival on the rail road

make this year a bit more is going to mobilize with us on road music day on the Eisenbahnstr.!
by Come, bring instruments and people with ... let's go have lunch. SHARE ... after show, there will be

12/06/2010 Hoffest the organic farm-Müller "hundreds of acres of land in Röcknitz at Eilenburg
we want to leave by train and bike as noon in Leipzig - details on the arrangements to 03.06.

06/13/2010 eco-party in ClaraPark
not clear whether what we are doing there. I wonder at times if we could smuggle us there in - anyone would be interested to take care of more extensively?

06/19/2010 PROBABLY
flea market for collection of DoppelPlusGut in the shop in the Eisenbahnstr. 109

06/20/2010 Neustaedter Breakfast 10.3o-16.ooUhr

there are many initiatives together and people from the neighborhood, we had there in recent years a stand and it would be great at least with the food coop and this year to present again - helping hands are needed! closer to the plenary

another request:
The trouble spot is said to be join a project for ... who would also from time to cook with, in the Eisenbahnstr. but particularly in the "field"? Questions abound. Please give some feedback!

Greetings from the



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