"What does Johanna? Only two blog posts per week and hardly any comments? "think you will. Yes, really, since the beginning of the year I get a lot less to blog. But I'm not inactive: So I was offered the example that I could Rose flatware and information from my book in a glass display case at City Hall in my hometown issue Kahl. The display case is not very large and both from within and von außen zu besichtigen. Die Dekoration wurde von mir erstmal im Esszimmer aufgebaut, wo ich sie für euch fotografiert habe. Zum Beispiel diese Etagere mit kleinen Besteckteilen.
"What is Johanna doing? Only two blog posts per week and hardly any comments?" you may think. Yes, really, since the beginning of the year I get a lot less to blog. But I'm not inactive: So for example I got the offer to show Rose flatware and informations from my book in a glass display case at City Hall in my hometown Kahl. The display case is not very large, and visible from inside as well as from outside. I built the decoration first in my dining room, where I photographed it for you. For example, this étagère with cutlery.
- ooOOoo -
But from my beautiful cake lifters should be shown a selection. But I have deliberately chosen mainly those that have arisen in the neighboring villages. The piece of styrofoam and polymer clay cake looks really yummy, right?
So from my lavish cake lifters should be shown a selection. But I have deliberately chosen mainly from those manufacturers in the Neighboring villages. The cake piece made of styrofoam and polymer clay looks really yummy, right?
- ooOOoo -
Here it all is now in the display case. In the middle compartment photos and materials are to see the production.
Here it all is now in the display case. In the middle compartment and materials are photos of the production to see
-. OoOOoo -
Another view up close. The photos of the middle compartment I had mainly been shown for the blog post cutlery production ( Link ). In the box is red and if the form of sand their enlarging the image by clicking, you can see also the imprint of the bucket in the sand.
Another close up view. The photos of the middle compartment I had mainly been shown for the blog post about cutlery manufacturing ( link ). In the box is red sand mold and if you enlarging the image by clicking, so you can see the imprint of the spoon in the sand.
- ooOOoo -
At least from our mayor and employees of the town hall I have garnered praise and even the local Kahler leaves has been reported about the exhibition:
At least from our mayor and employees of the town hall I have gotten compliments and even the local town newspaper has been reported about the exhibition.
- ooOOoo -
A true professional exhibition will be there as well starting this fall and that in the Rose Museum in Steinfurth
30th October 2011 to 14th October 2012
Rosen spoon - silver and other treasures "
. I am looking forward very much and I am very curious to see how the professionals are there to arrange the cutlery. We were there last year in the summer once visited the Steinfurther Rose Museum and I am thrilled that everything there is shown: valuable paintings, old porcelain, wood craft and fabric covers and everything is decorated so pretty and inventive that it's never boring. We are impressed with the way there real rose oil production areas of various qualities and has to sniff. And this little shop has a truly remarkable selection of products with and around the rose. This is truly a feast for the senses have been.
LINK to the homepage of the museum
LINK zur Ausstellungsvorschau
A truly professional exhibition will be starting this fall in the Rose Museum in Steinfurth
30. October 2011 to 14th October 2012
Roses by the spoonful - silver tableware and other treasures.
I am looking forward very much and I am very curious to see how the professionals will arrange the rose flatware. We visited last year in the summer the Steinfurth Rose Museum and I was thrilled about everything there is shown with roses: valuable paintings, old porcelain, wood craft and fabric covers and everything is decorated so pretty and inventive that it's never boring. We have been impressed also by the possibility to sniff there real rose oil from various qualities and production countries. And the little shop has a truly remarkable selection of products with and around the rose. This is truly a feast for all senses.
Link to the homepage of the museum (pdf - English)
Link to the exhibition preview (pdf - German)
Das waren die Neuigkeiten hier. Morgen wird wieder Wiski hier seinen Auftritt haben.
This are the news today. Tomorrow Wiski has again his special day here.
Schöne Grüße/ Greetings,
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